
Our Garden

I remember when we arrived and opened the back door.

Tweets and a rusty swing decorated our garden back then. 

Introductions...the beginning and the end.

As life went on, days always smelt of burnt butter at 8:00 am.

Our kids jumping and talking to shadows.

Is it better to laugh if you are scared?

They never answered back.

Perfectly framed memories.

A suitcase that hasn\'t left the house.

Today is different.

I saw the news and they predicted a pink moon.

I haven\'t slept next to you in over two months.

Thick walls but I can still hear you reading in the night.

Oliver falls asleep.

I fall asleep next.

Are we the intruders we once feared.

Seven rooms we would walk away from.

Seven rooms we wouldn\'t recognise.

Humanity saying goodbye.

How many hearts ripping apart.

The swing creaking while the cab drives away.

Excuse me.. while I sit in our garden for a bit longer...