
Dwelling Delights 2

Tune: Luckington

(\'Let all the world in every corner sing\')

Psalm 84 v.8-12


O Lord God of hosts, do now hear my prayer

You be just, fair

Behold, O God, our shield

We have to you appealed

Look on us, on Christ too

And through Him do us view

Your Son who brings salvation unto all

Who on Him call


For a day in your courts, it better be

Than thousand, see

Of days that be elsewhere

Spent, they in this mot share

As sense of your presence

We find in your house hence

I would rather be door-keeper therein

Than [in] tents of sin


For the Lord is a sun and shield, He

Gives grace, glory

No good thing shall He keep

Back from His flock, His sheep

They that live uprightly

His blessings they shall see

O Lord of hosts, blessed they that trust in you

You them renew