Milton L. Delgado


If I had my life to live over again, oh what changes I would make: I would go sleigh riding more often and frolic in the snow with children and adults, marvel at the colors of a rainbow, and gaze at a sunset across the meadow. It doesn\'t seem so very long ago. Forgive me, Father, I just didn\'t know. If I had my life to live over again, oh the changes I would make: I\'d say and do more positive things...things that would endure long after I was gone, be more thankful for the gift of each new dawn, learn the reason I was born, would no longer have regrets to mourn. If only I could live my life over again, I would make sensible choices and set my mind on things above rather than below... laugh, play, share and love more. I would appreciate the song of a turtledove, and awakened to what life is really made of...realize that I am the hand, and God is the glove. \"My eyes are slowly closing. My head is starting to spin. Something\'s happening to me! I see myself being lifted from my bed-but no one seems to be doing the lifting. I\'m rapidly traveling through space, but I\'m not aboard an aircraft...trillions of luminous galaxies are passing. A light, brighter than the sun is vastly approaching me I lift my hand to block its enormous powerful rays. Suddenly, I\'m overcome with a tremendous sense of love, Joy, and tranquility; it overwhelms me unlike anything I\'ve ever experienced before. I\'m entering a New Life! Hallelujah!”

By Milton L. Delgado

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