
Golden Wisps

It\'s one of those

An epiphany

The moment when

Everything that\'s been building your climax

Has been brought to the point

The girl is pricking her finger

The prince is wielding his sword

Rumpelstiltskin\'s name is said

Everything has come to a stand still

While the heroin figures things out

This is when the puzzle pieces meet


The world is still turning

But yours has stopped

If only for a moment

You realize all the things you\'ve are both 

True and false

Despite your best efforts

Your skin has been toughened

Your heart calloused

You did try

But sometimes

Fate is not something you can fight

You\'ve always known you were a warrior

Just not ready to be one

But time is tired of waiting

You\'ve been thrown

Into the wolves den

The abyss

Even a spiky pit

That slit your wrists

Your heart

Your mind

Through all of that

You fought

Even when you didn\'t intend to

Through all of that

It has strengthened you

Never once did you consider

The person to bestow you your warrior


Would be yourself

Yet here you stand

You dub each of your shoulders

Straighten your back

Look into your eyes

To see

Truly see

Unlike the fleeting glimpses you\'ve allowed yourself

You are not the person you\'d thought you be

You are someone




Perhaps a bit scarier

That\'s alright though

The battles you are to face

Are terrifying

You need a little terror yourself

Life has thrown so many curve balls at you

This time you brought a mitt

You are prepared

Surprise may rear her head

You can anticipate it though

You are ready




Of preparation

That you didn\'t always

Know was prepping you

Have led to this

The development of who you are

It can be hard to accept

Because you never thought you\'d be able to 

Be someone

Yet here you are









So much more that words cannot

Be used to constrain

Or show

You know you have a light

That can be difficult for others to see

But you see it

Those golden wisps

That is enough

Your mission in life

Has never been to make others see it

Rather it is to use them

To better things

Strengthen them

Open people\'s eyes

Take the glamour of life away

The lies of you\'re not enough

Of kindness is weakness

Of every man for themselves


You are here

To shine your light

To brighten and bless

You are here to help

You lift your sword

Straighten your spine

You no longer need to dwell

You know who you are

What you need to do

You will lose 




But you will continue on

For the most noble causes

Don\'t stop

Even after a great 


It is time to say goodbye

Fairwell to the unmeant love

Au revoir to the anger & sadness

Toodles to the lies

It is time

For it to truly begin

For you to finally start

You have felt this in your heart

You know it is truth

Onwards noble one

You have much to do