winter vale

\"Phantom of the Past\"

Deep within the annals of the unknown tales,

Resides the chronicle of a boy who has failed.

Unaware of his demise in this mortal plane,

His spirit now roams, his destiny inhumane.


Unbeknownst to him, his life has been cut short,

His essence now lingers in an eerie cavort.

As the night descends, he feels the frigid air,

Realizing his mortal coil is no longer there.


The world he once knew, now seems obscure,

His destiny, a fate that he cannot endure.

He yearns to return to his corporeal form,

But alas, his soul is shackled in an ethereal storm.


The boy, once alive, now a specter of the past,

A memory that will forever last.

For in his desire for posthumous obscurity, he left a trace,

And in the unknown tales, his spirit shall forever embrace.