
A Lion\'s Share-In

Tune: Woodlands

(\'Tell out my soul\')

Adapated from a \'said\' poem.


Lion of Judah, commands, coherent

His power to break each chain inherent

Majetcially displayed, lion\'s pride strong

Yet proud in humility, suffering long


Beauty and honour and praise evermore

Set free from oppression, unlocks each door

We wonder, marvel at your awesome sight

You are God, King of Glory, Lord of Light


Your face appears inviting, not cruel, fierce

All shall look on you, you whom they did pierce

All-powerful One, with Omnipotence

In gentleness you call, say, Follow hence


Victorious you reign, over all high

Lord of everything, earth and sea and sky

Your standard of love be in every heart

Banner unfurled as you rule our each part


Your eternal victory, none withhold

Your will be done, and your kingdom unfold

[Lion of] Judah - Praise - your people do you proclaim

No end the triumph, your resplendent name