
Companions For Never

“Companions For Never”

(Tom Entrican, 3/9/2023)


The seven year old who kissed my cheek

Closing my eyes to savor the joy

That first kiss knocked me right off my feet

But alas she dumped me for a shiny new toy


Then at seventeen I found my true love

A beauty was she at four feet eleven

The life that I offered was not enough

The girl of my dreams, companions for never


And many a crush set my heart a flutter

None of whom ever knew I existed

The popular crowd not a word they would utter

For I was never quite an a-lister


Then one I was sure, my true soul mate

Whose love so true, it seemed however

Left a hole in my heart, still here today

Where dreams fell out, companions for never


No more am I looking for that dream again

Nor hope for a love that endures

For what is the sense to invite all the pain

If loneliness ends up the cure


But friendships abound and soften the blow

And who knows, at times I am clever

Though not good enough to make a spark grow

Till I fly home with my companions forever