

An Angelic face of beauty,

Filled my screen today,

It held my eyes in capture,

Trapped each and every way

They stared as if a prisoner

Seared by pain of rapture.


Her skin held hints of roses,

As soft as wisper clouds,

As if a brush in gentle hands,

Had touched with loving rounds,

Each, pore, each centre, each hole

And tendered every gland.


Her smouldering smile met my eyes

With life, appeal, enchantment,

Their lines designed

As to take you down,

Releasing a smile, in which,

Your eyes would surely drown,


Her eyes they held the wisdom,

Of a thousand thoughtful nights,

They looked at you as if anew,

To see you as you are,

They pulsed your heart to quiver,

Bewitched in a timeless shiver