
Dear Postpartum Depression

This tiny creature i hold in my arms.
This tiny bundle i gave you life.
I saw you in my belly a few weeks into your life.
I promise then, to love you for the rest of my life.

I see you now and i become overwhelmed.
What once was excitement is now filled with distressed. 
At times i cry suddenly without warning. 
These sleepless nights have become routine. 
I wish to break from it but it’s hopeless.
It pulls me everyday more within.
I spend most of my days away from you 
My chest thunders from the thought of failing you 
I desperately want to stop feeling like this. 

I wish i could say why i feel like this 
But nothing makes sense 
No one will understand 
They all will judge me 
Perhaps even report me

I drown in hopes that someone close to me
Will see these changes 
Without questioning help me and restrain from judgement 
I wasn’t like this before 
This just started one day after giving birth 

How can i feel this way? When you are my every breath 
I love you more than life it self. 
I just wish i knew how to get help.

To all the mommies out there struggling with postpartum depression…know that you are not alone.