Insanely Hilarious


When they ask what a dream home is, my answer used to be different.
It would be clean living rooms with slanting rooftops.
I\'d say it would have a swimming pool, gardens and a balcony,
There\'d be framed painting everywhere and my room would look like royalty.
If they asked me who I\'d invite inside, my answer would be everyone. 
Whoever felt suffocated could easily live with me in mine.
I\'d give them a spare room and tell them it\'s their home too,
I\'d show them a better world, something gorgeous and new. 
Now if they ask me what my dream home is, my answer is completely abstract. 
I\'ll tell them it\'s my safe haven, a messy room with food supplies.
There\'d be puns and posters, chocolate wrappers and tickets for roller coasters.
There will be enough space for me to scurry and scuttle.
I\'d let them in but I\'d make sure that they didn\'t kill my peace,
I\'d put myself before others in my home, guilt and fear would be in decrease,
I\'d still show them a better world, but I\'d also offer them to stay in mine.
If they did, then they\'d need to know, this home will always be where I choose to shine. 
My home will never be bound by four walls, it\'s with myself and my people, 
They\'ll always support me, they\'ll always treat me like an equal.
They\'ll teach me to be brave and bold, smart and outspoken,
I will never have to be alone, because company is what I seek at home.