
Floating Candles

On a sea of tranquility

Is where I long to be

Yet you still have a grasp on me

I push it down and away

Drown it

As I do

It no longer just drowns you

I see my flames sputter

Under the constant fall of water

It seems

I cannot rid myself of you

Without ridding myself of me

I suppose I have to ride this wave out

This tide of uncertainty

Could you change?

Decide to want me to?

Actually fan the flames instead of dousing them

Could we be something again?

Or is this

Just a candle 

Floating on water

Barely staying alight

The gentlest breeze will put us out

You are the wick

I am the spark

Without both there is no light

I have tried time and time again

To craft my own string

But can never quite accomplish

A lost love you\'ll always be

At least to me

Maybe someday

I will find a way to gift my spark to someone else

For now

Whenever you are cold 

I will be your warmth

Even if you no longer need or want it

I shall be here

I blaze as an inferno

The only thing keeping me in check is


I fear what I would become

Without something keeping a hold on me

My thoughts spiral and arrange

Like constellations

They are not reliable

I need something to ground me

For now it is you

As well as my beliefs in myself

However, I do not always like myself

Do not desert me

Let me desert you

Then it will be on me

My terms

For I can forgive my faults

I know not how to handle

When others burn me

Especially if the fire is clearly not my fault

I shoulder the blame

It makes it more simpler

For me to relight

Without taking the burden of wax making.....

I am directionless

Know and comprehend nothing

For I have learned

I am as a candle

Floating on a sea of tranquility

I burn too bright

To have that peace

I so desperately crave

But with you

With you

Just maybe

I could find a semblance of it


Burn me

For I have rebuilt many times

Don\'t be afraid now

This feeling

This wild desire

Is terrifying

But should not be denied

It is something that help you live


Smile up at the night sky

Feel the music of it in your soul

See the shining in your eyes

Only a fool would lie


Love isn\'t real

It isn\'t something you can truly feel

Oh, wretched being who believes that

For I have seen

The most glorious sunrise

Tasted the sweetest citruses

Danced upon the most beautiful of waters

In my mind

The reason for

Is only one


It finds you

Fills you

Skin\'s bursting

Heart\'s rejoicing

This is what people live for

This epiphany

Momentous ascension

Right here

So before you dismiss

Or unregard my words

Just try it for yourself

The smallest flicker

Can set a whole 

Continent ablaze

It has no bounds

No rules or


It is freer

Than the birds in the sky

Deeper than the trenches of the ocean

More lasting than the air we breath

A kaleidoscope of colors

Is the only way to describe it

It baffles the most logical

Complete fools it makes of 

The most composed

You cannot defeat it

For it has already defeated you

But it is not to conquer

No rather to release and heal

Caress and comfort

It can be brutal

I will say

It can cut and make blood pour

It always cares for the damage it causes

Perhaps not in the way most

Think it should

My only hope is

To fully experience it
