
Mercy: The River of Compassion

Mercy flows like a river pure,
Compassion that seeks to heal and cure,
It lifts the fallen and gives them wings,
And helps them rise above life\'s stings.

Forgiveness is its mighty sword,
That cuts through hate, and strikes discord,
It tears down walls that once stood high,
And brings together those who had to fly.

Mercy is the light that guides our way,
A beacon that shines bright by night and day,
It warms the coldest hearts with love,
And fills our souls with hope from above.

Kindness is its gentle touch,
That soothes the pain of those who hurt so much,
It offers comfort, and lends an ear,
To those who suffer, and those who fear.

Mercy is a force that unites,
A bond that helps us through life\'s fights,
It brings us closer, and makes us whole,
And fills our hearts with joy and soul.

So let us be merciful, and kind,
And show compassion to all we find,
For in the end, it is the way,
To a better world, and a brighter day.

Mercy flows like a river pure,
A gift to cherish, and to secure,
Let us all drink from its holy well,
And with its power, our hearts will swell.