

Little buds start to bloom by the onset of spring

The breeze is soft and warm

The sound of the cicadas

This feels somewhat like a dream.

Hand in hand by the river stream

People walk by with smiles,

Some stare at it for eternity.

What life is?

They think while they stare

Moving on like others?

Or stay still and enjoy

Soon the birds chirp as the wind blows

Whispering a sweet song into the ears

Closing eyes to feel it clear

I sit here swaying my body with the wind

The kids play along the banks

Laughter, fun, joy, little fights go on

Soon the sun sets down

The mothers call for their kids

They run to them with their little feet

Walking together to their house

Holding hands, smiling from ear to ear

I stand and walk toward an empty road

I stop, I look back at them

Once upon a time

I was just like them.

Smiling from ear to ear

Skipping steps on the way home

Is this how life is? I think

I hear someone call my name from a distance

I look ahead

I look back again

Smiling a little, I head ahead

Mother standing at a distance waving at me

She smiles, forming more creases on her face

I hop towards her

A heart filled with warmth

She hugs me embracing me in her warmth.

So, this is what life is.