winter vale

Codified laws

Injustice reigns and kindness falls,

Avaricious statute deceive us all,

Flaws and faults too sizable to hide,

Butchering our humanity inside.


No color amalgam, no wealth divide,

As the rich and powerful decide,

Who shall face the brunt of their might,

And who shall be left in the blackness of night?


Innocent children, women, and men

Left vulnerable, victims again and again,

As codified laws justify the wrongs,

Of those who oppress and cause such harms.


Trauma and pain they leave in their wake,

As they seek to control and dominate,

Corrupted forces at the helm,

Judges and solicitors who just overwhelm.


It\'s time to abolish this unjust regime,

And replace it with righteous themes,

For only then can we hope to erase,

The inequality today we face.




So let us mourn the loss of what could be,

And fight for a future that\'s truly free,

Where codified laws no longer reign,     

And justice and mercy once again remain.