
Walk Back In

Sometimes I think about what if you came back

What if you came walking through that door of the possibility of me and you.

I sit here watching the way the stars speak to the moon wondering if you see what I see too.

Thinking if you wonder about me too.

I pull at this red string hoping you are too

I sit here in this glass box waiting for a text to light up my screen.

Waiting for something, anything to bring you back to me. 

Some people say 3rd times a charm but what if we never have another chance. 

What if the last time for us was that night you told me ‘don’t go’ and I still walked away.

I run and run around every part of the world looking to find a piece of you in anything I can find. 

I search these places looking for your presence 

Searching these oceans for your soul

Hoping I find you to come back and love me the way you said we always would. 

But as I sit here within these 4 white walls I know in my soul that there may never be another you and I 

I know within my heart that you have ruined me for anyone else

I know in my head that if all I have are our memories of how you loved me for all I was that I can live with what ever our ending may have been.