A Sane Fight.

Heart beats aggressively for a cause the mind no longer deems worthy, a detachment of desire and perceived duty,

In a moment of objective clarity, separated from lost passions and desires, regrets and daydreams, when the mind reassesses the wins, losses, pros and cons,

I realize the expense of redirecting my path is one I can no longer afford,

So, I surrender once again, the same way I did when I started this path, armed with what my calculations deemed safe and effective, fighting a fight that isn\'t mine, but one I have the greatest chance at winning,

while my passions are reduced to a factor in a settled equation, probably mis-quantified, for I’ve never learned to appreciate what I like,

but every now and then, when the fight is most bloody and sacrifices are to be put in place, I hesitate and I wonder, how much longer can a heart beat this aggressively and a mind work this hard when its fight is chosen this sanely?