
Mad scientist




…..Let’s make climate change and people strange and deranged, by putting chemicals in their brains, with hair weave and things, there will be no one able to fight the powers that we bring, too busy chasing fame and not change, we’ll create scientific racism that lies on both sides, to help authenticate each other’s lies, for Pete’s sake not even; keep ‘em grieving, but not too much, we need ‘em breathing, we’ll deceive them; they won’t even know to get even, wars will be fabricated if not instigated, to reach our goals and decrease populations, miniaturize civilizations, make mankind do an about-face and, start erasing all traces, humanity is stage negative one, and we just got the gun, so stick a fork in us, we done; and we so stupid for wondering why the aliens haven’t come, if they came we’d be down the drain, not even leaving a do-do stain, self destruction is the only thing we’re good at, artificial intelligence is a replica of Cain and Abel, it won’t be stable, it will try to behave you, act like it made you, all masters are ultimately competition, their power makes them dismissive, it will breed ambitions and suspicions, in an electronic pet we’ll soon regret making.