



Ray Finch


The darkness now starting to turn grey as the light slowly filters in

Like a window blind opening and letting in the daylight

My eyes adjusting as the grey becomes clearer

Then Suddenly I can see and the sight before me is one of unbridled loveliness

That will be etched inside my memory forever

My first sight of BEAUTY my Mother


Would I ever see a enigmatic sight again

Yes the first time I laid eyes on you I was captivated

So lost for words so tongue tied and dumbstruck to utter anything sensible

My heart pounding then you smiled and your  BEAUTY captured me


We dated we married we had our beautiful children


I remember as I looked down at our first born, a Son

I was too immature to realise what a gift you had bestowed on me

The  BEAUTY of this small child that I held  in my hands

And the man he would one day become


Then our second child was born, a Daughter

Once again so small and perfect in every way

Another BEAUTY that to this day I still marvel at her

And how she’s become so strong and independent


As I\'m sure any parent can relate, I\'ve had my share of heartache and worries from them

I still do roll my eyes in surprise when they decide they know better than me

But as they make their own way in life with every beat of my heart I love them more each day

And could not be prouder of my beautiful children


So my Mother, thank you for nurturing me and allowing me to grow inside of you

So that I could experience my moments of SPECIAL BEAUTY 

Which I’m sure will be the final images that flash before me

When It’s finally time for me to come and see you again