hem the poet

Unquenchable Longings

The one with a shattered soul

even if he rebuilds himself anew

he would still feel the ache


The one who hungers for flawlessness

even if he\'s attained mastery

he would still perceive defects


The one who covets dominance

even if he reigns supreme

he would still sense unease


The one with a meandering mind

even if he\'s in a tranquil state

he would still be tempted by distraction


The one who veils his emotions

even if he\'s encircled by affection and faith

he would still be lonesome


The one who dreads rejection

even if he\'s widely accepted

he would still harbor insecurity


The one who yearns for abundance

even if he\'s opulent and at ease

he would still crave more


The one who seeks affirmation

even if he\'s confident and poised

he would still question his worth


The one with a restless heart

even if he\'s amidst placidity

he would still yearn for adventure


The one who longs for liberation

even if he\'s surrounded by safety

he would still feel confined


The one who desires fame

even if he\'s already acclaimed

he would still feel invisible


The one who craves dominion over others

even if he\'s in command of his own fate

he would still sense powerlessness


The one who pursues retribution

even if he\'s already vindicated

he would still be consumed by wrath


The one who seeks to evade actuality

even if he\'s surrounded by splendor

he would still feel detached


The one who craves perpetual entertainment

even if he\'s in the midst of engrossing activities

he would still feel ennui


The one who demands flawlessness in others

even if they\'re already exceptional

he would still discern defects to criticize


The one who seeks to be someone else

even if he\'s already distinctive

he would still feel inferior


The one who strives for complete control

even if he\'s already competent to handle what he has

he would still feel inundated


The one who insists on being right always

even if he\'s already sagacious and well-informed

he would still feel the urge to validate himself


The one who insists on winning always

even if he\'s already accomplished much

he would still feel unfulfilled


The one who insists on staying busy always

even if he\'s already accomplished much

he would still feel incomplete


The one who insists on being praised always

even if he\'s already esteemed and respected

he would still feel unappreciated