
Today we are so happy

We always study hard,

We are active in class.

We are funny and smart

Teachers love all of us,

We get up early morning

then wash our faces and hands

We get dressed quickly

And have breakfast yummy!

Once we arrive at school

Our teachers were waiting,

They are all so kind,

we have a warm greeting!

We always open the books

With great-great dreams.

We do not like laziness

School gives us happiness.

We have great ambitions,

“Achieving great finishes”.

We deserve to be worthy

Heir to great ancestors.

Today we are so happy,

In a FREE country!



Uktamkhon SOLIEVA (Mrs), the awardee of the “Excellence of Public Education” Medal of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, author of dozens of poetries and prose works for children and adults. Besides, SOLIEVA is working as a sophisticated expert of poetry at Creative school named after Erkin Vohidov in Fergana region under the Agency for the Development of the Presidential, Creativity, and Specialized Schools under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.