cyriac maliakkal


She ruled  roost in my heart with
 her love.
But i was in maroon.
She tempted my heart and there had 
Darkness in our affairs.
Her sores that penetrated my hearts 
Her love that ground my heart and it shivered  me 
Threw my internal feelings.
Broke my heart with her love.
I was in imbroglio .
Washed up my heart with her love.
My love was at maroon.
It was skimpy,she touched me with her
Lovely heart.
I had felt her sense of love and her kisses.
She poured her affection but it was 
I wish her love has to be knead my heart
With her vicinity,
And  ignite my heart with her rinsed love,
She crush me strongly.
But it was my whist itches that leads to