
The Hole

Trying to lie behind these eyes and rest my weary soul

If cracks appear in my foundations fall into the hole

I feel fine a line I say I make the people laugh

How someone can so upbeat be beaten broke in half

I tear myself like fabric frays the loose bits I burn down

On the outside perfect silk could never make you frown

And extra lock is added to secure my broke emotion

My smile slowly poisons me but there is no fixing potion

I’m over my depression now, I no longer feel anxious

My head stands on the sky edge just willing me to push

I keep making me step down again, to lift you others up

you’re happy when I’m happier, glass empty lost the cup

If my feet will fail me, I may find that I may slip

Or if I smile much longer, I may be the final tip

So another lock is added, to secure the darker mind

I strap my smile to my face to please those of my kind

My tears run down inside me, me inward screams vibrate

I push out all the happiness, and suppress my growing hate Exterior walls shows signs of stress, the eyes of wear and tear I smile and you smile with me, but I no longer care

If I step off from this ledge a chance is there I’ll fly

But if I push much past this edge I think I’ll probably die.