Gurpreet Singh

Betrayal of GOD...

Betrayal of God

Just a normal Lucifer

Is it all,  Supreme Holy Lord?...

Bow down to your grandeur

with what all I have.....

That was what you asked for

And I gave you that 

But a slingy swing of 

Blue Sword, turned it

all RED.

My shoulders felt bit relieved 

and this obsessed head

found its way to your feet.

Fountain of Red Love started 

from this beheaded-fool

Destiny saw a drop of Red

befouling your beautiful soul

Two parts of me

Fell on the ground

One with the blue heart

pumping RED

And other with the opened 

eyes, glazing at your lies

O Lord,

A black tear from your gracious eyes

Your stroke is not strong enough

I choose DEATH,

when I saw, LOVE IS A LIE

Don\'t cry your black tears for me

Innocent had died.

Betrayal is what I got from you, Sir

Now the demon will rise...