
Infinity Equals Zero

Infinity Equals Zero


He lies there contemplating his fate.

His eyes are growing dim.

His ears will soon create a world without sound.

He has lost his sense of taste and smell.

Soon, he will be like the others

living in a land of tubes:

Oxygen fed into his nose.

A tube in his belly to feed him.

Another in his sex to carry away the waste

and one in each arm to keep him alive.

He knows that his hands are closing

never to open again

that he will be left with nothing but two angry fists.


Thoughts run through his brain:

He is convinced that Infinity equals Zero

and Zero equals Infinity.

That life equals death and death equals life.

The afterlife is equal to the before-life.

Everything in the universe never was 

and will be again.

That the nothing-but-space between it all 

holds the answer to existence.


He knows that in that final moment

when the pump of life stops 

his brain will energize its entirety

and the secrets of the universe 

will become known to him

as he slips into the nothingness

and becomes one with the stars.