
a beautiful world

a young girl, innocent and bright,
Her eyes filled with wonder and pure delight,
She smiles at the world with an open heart,
Unaware of the troubles that may tear it apart.

She skips down the street with carefree grace,
A joyful expression etched on her face,
Her laughter ringing through the air,
A sound that banishes all despair.

She picks flowers on the side of the road,
Their colors bright and their petals aglow,
She twirls in the sunshine, feeling free,
And doesn\'t yet know the weight of misery.

For the world is a place of both joy and pain,
And as she grows, she\'ll see the strain,
But for now, she lives in blissful youth,
Where all she sees is beauty and truth.

So let us cherish this precious time,
Before she learns of life\'s uphill climb,
And let her dance in the sunlight\'s beam,
For she is the embodiment of a child\'s dream.