
Mark of the beast




….Is it six, six, six, or the latest electronic trick they’re trying to make stick, or are our heads too thick to stop the next apocalypse. It went from sixes behind our hairlines, to electronic chips in our palms; how many times can it be reinterpreted, it’s since short-circuited, okay I’ll float with this, but we gonna at least need a boat with this, it’s cold, so your emperor is gonna need a coat with this. Is it a single man or woman; maybe the beast is legions of swastika bearing nazis; or does it lurk in the hearts of every man, hiding and biding it’s time to drop bombs, murder and distinct crimes, like standing on the corner selling dimes, made to feel so sublime, but it’s just another crime that gets you use to more crimes. Maybe the beast is a trait that’s too built-in to escape, and it’s just our fate for all times no matter how long that takes, from time and memorial we’ve been beating that war drum, we the beast and we don’t need no symbol, we make each other tremble.