Peter Pan - The Rock

Genders, Pretenders and Transcenders


Homo-sexual, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual...

For me I say? Nay...

I like women... I like being Hetero... Straight.

However... mate!

Torturded, Murdered, Compost...

Did him, she, them... ever deserve such a cruel fate?

Have all those jabs... turned you into pure... HATE?

Look man... I have a dick, and I can write, or speak...

The ones that did such thing... trully you are... a FREAK!

Aberration, discrimination, terrorization, desecration...

Human-rights, Human lifes, Friends, Lovers, Husbands, Wifes.

Some... little children, just kids... trully some \"men\" are


Loss to a Mother, loss to a Father, loss to a Grandfather...

to a Sister or Brother or an Uncle or Aunt... Family.

And some say... nay... well done! Doesn\'t matter...

Seems that for some, we have reached the age of PAIN...

And trully MAN... must be... some... completely INSANE!

You are very LAME! I spit on your NAME! Have you no SHAME?

I want everyone... to be... just like me... and PERFECT...

Such a dreadful, horrible, sad, disgusting and hateful 


We used to be... way past all that...

And now... is it... all just coming back?

What the HELL is so wrong with some of you?

Do you really require another lesson? Shall I TEACH YOU?

Oh yes... believe I WILL... Seems to be... my whole... DEAL!

And sure... multiple-races... multiple-faces...

Indians, Asians, Native-Americans, Native-Australians,

Jews, Browns, even White and Black...

Should we all... have our heads crushed... by a bat?

Do you really, think or believe in that?

Well... If you do... I\'m sorry... but to you... I say... 


And try and learn some... respect, decency, humane feelings...

Tolerance... Not drillings, spillings and killings.

You believe somehow... me and so many others, are incorrect?

And if so... well... what does that makes, of all the rest?

Monsters, Satan, Devils, Demons, Beasts... conviced they 

are... somehow... best! Nay... BEAST!!!

Please do... shoot yourself in the brain... or at least...

Punch many times, over and over again, your face, with your fist!

Believe me... me, us, them, you... all at a tremendous great RISK!

So please... have some HUMAN feelings, don\'t be a cold 

blooded, snake, reptile or fish.

Maybe you won\'t care about what I say... But I do... WISH!

So... So... very SAD! And it makes me... so... so... MAD!!!

You... some of you... Hetero-sexuals? Nah! Trully... FAG!!!

And respect and love, children, men and women... 

I said respect, love... not sex!

Some of you... oh my... such a great... Tabu... and complex.

As Sigmund Freud... So well... put it...

Severe Neurosis... that may lead... to terrible Psichosis.

Eunuchs are not less people, because they don\'t have ducks.

Steriles... are not reptiles... they are people...

Some... may... scribble, or sing, chant, act, or dance.

A faith I don\'t wish on me, a faith usually no one wishes...

to be... But somethings are no matter what we liked them

to be. So please... have a HEART... open your EYES... do SEE!

Kill all the Moths and Devils and Demons you can...

Daughter or Son...

But please... Let the birds and Angels be...

Otherwise... we might just ... well... such a thing...

to Thee!!!

Hope we are all feeling so... HAPPY!

Please... don\'t be so... CRAPPY!

We don\'t have to be... best in class... and we all have 

sexual organs... or most... and an ass!!!

Hope you can use a simple toilet... again... and at last!

Or... maybe we will simply... blast, blast and blast!

And no... I don\'t need no guns... or even cash.

Ok... money a little bit... to drink and eat...

But remember... I can always... just... SMASH!!!

And... fuck your wallet and your purse!

How would you like another NASTY... curse?

If some really don\'t understand...

I may try some binary code, Alien language or even Morse.

Some of you... trully have become... the WORST!!!

Be careful... you are \"eating\" so damn much...

At some point... you will... surely... BURST!!!