Sakwa Franc

Animals Think Better

Once I was in a park and I saw

Unreasoning animals , creatures of instincts

How they multiply to raise their offsprings

It was a male lion mounting female one

They think better than men


Once I was in a foreign land and I saw

In the midst of technology and Civilizations

Men made in the image of their God

Reasoning beings , creatures of insight

Doing unthinkable before my eyes


Once I returned in a zoo and I saw

A Giant Panda feeding her young ones

She disciplined those that went a stray 

And in the evening she gathered them around

All the night she watched over the little ones


Once I observed in human society and I saw

How orphans were being treated

Thieves and swindlers drove them to streets

Fathers failed to look after their own families

Society became flooded with unruly creatures


Once on my tour to oceans and I saw

On my capsizing boat I cried for help

A pod of dolphins came to my aid

On their backs they carried me to offshore

They smiled broadly at me and dived back 


Once walking on streets and I saw

Traffic lights turned red and I was crossing

A voracious driver knocked me down

In my pain I saw \" selfies smartphones\"

My friends wrote on their websites \" RIP\"


I returned to forest and I saw

Bees were busy in their empire

No greed nor self ambitions in their society

Maximum cooperation produced their honey

I fell in love with animals