
The Will after M. Lermontov

Alone with you my brother dear        

I would  be stay for more;

So little as  they  confidently say,
I may to live at world.
You will go home  and very soon:
Look... What? No one will give a care,
Let us  tell the painful truth,
About my unfortunate fate.
And if someone asks you by a chance...
Whoever, well, asked you, 
Tell them, that  into my poor chest
I’s wounded by a bullet through,
That I  died honestly for the king,
That our doctors are bad thing.
And to the own  land I
Sent my the last goodbye. 
My father-mother are hardly
Both keepping  still  alive...
It would be pity, I admit,
To make all them too sad;
But if one is still alive of them
Tell that  I\'m lazy letters write,
The troop’s sent   on a raid, 
And let them not expect  me 

They have a neighbor closely there  

Do you remember, long ago

We separated!.. anyway

About me she will not ask…

You tell to her the whole my truth,

Do not pay pity to a flighty heart;

Just let her cry and cry - 

For her it\'s never mind…