Sakwa Franc

We Need Help

They walk and tire everyday

Setting up their imaginations  to vain things

A false confidence build up in their hearts

Some in chariots and some in horses

Truth is final, we need help from Jesus


I have listened to music with its lyrics

I perceive it came from a loquacious talker

Who have no fear of God Almighty

All flesh is weak and sick each moment

Who\'s sufficient and full by himself?


Open and read eternal constitution of God

Observe with your heart and learn wisdom

In the beginning God created heaven and earth

This settles everything in my sick heart

We still need help from the Boss


A syringe in one hand and a doubt in heart

In hospitals doctor\'s faint and die before their clients

Where is hope for these wounded ones?

A Great Physician from Nazareth calls

\"Here I stand at your door knocking\" 


In their sick hearts they devise devise evils

Calling catastrophe upon themselves

Who claim to be wise only to be fools

The ground is moving away from their feet

Ignorance is a disease, we need help


Earth\'s not playing field but a battle camp

Arrows flies by the day and pestilence awaits by night

Who\'s this among men who does not slumber?

He\'s not far from us ,\" call upon me \" He says

For He knows how He made us.