
what is true power..

This is true power:

When you whisper, and the world sits up and listens –

When the world carries your message across the oceans wide;

When you smile , and the world relaxes

When you scowl, and the people quake with fear

When just a glare makes people shiver

When your adrenalin can set all hearts aquiver

When people bow when you pass them by

When every act of yours evokes a clap or a sigh;

When  the world is in your hands-

And people flock to you

These are some of the signs

That give a rapid clue…

It is also when you don’t utter a single word

Yet people get the clue…

Power is when your every need is anticipated

And people rush around trying to please you;

Power is when you don’t lift a finger

Yet everything falls straight into your hands..


Power goes straight to your head

That much is truly said

So even if people raise you high

And carry you on their shoulders

Without a whimper or sigh –

Take care and be mature enough

To ensure your feet are still on the ground

Because it may happen that a day will come

When the same hands that clapped for you

Will scramble to topple you from your perch –

And you may totter, you may lurch

But no one will be there to lend you a hand

And all alone in the world you will stand..