

I always envied her.

she had everything.

at sixteen she owned a car,

and boy did life really bless her.


I always envied her.

she wore fancy dresses,

while people often mistake me as one of the waitresses,

giving me snobby stares and more than often; dishes.


I always envied her.

every night wishing,

at the stars in the sky; shining,

to get an inch closer,

to become an equal; I don\'t mind being a rival.


I still envy her.

its been years now,

she still has her radiance and beauty,

I sure she doesn\'t feel a little bit guilty;

I tried to be like her and I lost my sanity.


I envied her.

a mad person filled with anger,

I did what I had to; envy to murder,

still with her dead,

I know in my soul, I still envied her.