
forgive and forget

and i forgave you. but i never quite forgot.

time and time again, i forgave you.

you’ll love me right this time?

you won’t make the same mistakes this time?

you’ve learnt your lesson this time? 

you’ll treat me right this time?  

you won’t break my heart again, would you? 

but hindsight is a powerful thing, if only you had it in the past. i can see now that it wasn’t you who broke my heart the second, third, fourth, fifth and two hundred and sixty fifth time. 

it was me. 

i didn’t love myself right, i made the same mistakes, i didn’t learn my lesson, i didn’t treat myself right.

but to forgive and to forget are two very different things and i do not regret forgiving you. 

but i should of forgotten you, two hundred and sixty five times ago. 


and in the end, by entrusting it to you, i was the one who broke my own heart, not you.