
Red flags

From the moment our eyes met, I was yours.

I loved you deeply, even your cracks, even your flaws.

But none of it was real, you deserve a round of applause.

A standing ovation, celebration that you have caused.


The holes in my heart bleed out the colour red,

The colour of your flags that I was blind to instead.

I welcomed your flags like a “welcome home” banner.

Your home was my heart, that you intended to shatter.


Here, let me take those flags, I’ll turn them into bunting.

We can celebrate our happiness even if we are fronting.

Let’s just pretend, there’s no alcohol, no shouting and even no punching

Theres no bruises or name calling, no controlling or insulting.

Just us happy, underneath our red bunting.


Oh, look, another red flag, I’ll use as a plaster.

To hide the bruises and cuts that obviously I asked for.

It was all my fault anyway, I need to be quiet more.

His hands around my throat is love, at least that’s what I thought.


My independence scared you, as you had none of your own.

To look at, no one saw the scared little boy to insecure to be alone.

But you cut and scraped until there was nothing left but bone,

So you could reprogram me, myself, I then disown.


You’ve taken every colour from me, apart from the red flags covering me.