
Pain is a Prison

I stare at the bars,

Look down at my scars,

Sitting on the cement ground,

Can’t move, feeling drowned.


The cool cement,

Pierces my soul in this torment.

I stare at the cell around me,

Knowing I will not be free.


Pain is a prison.

Where nobody can be forgiven.

I tug at the chains,

Wanting to burn this place, flames.


Let me out!

No matter how much I shout,

I’m met with silence,

So I choose violence.


Beyond the bars I search,

But there is nothing, only darkness.

Should have gone to church.

Slowly I lose consciousness.


Met with nightmares,

Nobody cares.

I shiver, the cold always seeps in,

My clothes always feel paper thin.


When was the last time I ate?

I can’t see straight.

Bare legs,

Wearing nothing but threads.


I notice I’m dirty,

Been here so long, not alert

Because in this cell,

Where I dwell,


My mind consumes me.

My throat is dry, I can\'t plea.

I try to stand up,

Mistake, I fall and throw up.


The chains hold me down,

Everyday there seems to be more of them.

But there is nobody around,

I lie, numb.


Who brought me here?

Where I feel nothing but fear.

When was I free?

What is wrong with me?


Pain is a prison.

I know,

Millions of us,

Trapped in our cells.