Sakwa Franc

The End of Thinkers

Born of flesh and blood they came

Grew up as little boys and girls

Nature became their teacher

Some gazed at carpet of colossal sky

Twinkling and sparkling of stars amazed them


Passion to think and learn developed

Diversity began to strike their brains

To the stars, a telescope

To the moon, a rocket

To the oceans , a ship


Some were right and became Wright brothers

With determination and bond of love

They flew a \"metal\" in the sky

On blank slate words were written

\"Everything can be done with thinkers\"


Worms began to spread to the minds

Some kind of bubonic disaster to the heads

Men inspired by devils and occult 

Developed poisonous missiles to kill thinkers

Some to pornography to kill brain cells


Society with mental disorders developed

Poison injections to natural fruits

Genes of a man becam altered

Students with no reasoning capacity

Who cheat openly in exam rooms


Duplicators of ideas were birthed

Who don\'t excercise their God given senses

Justice and equality was replaced with corruption

Platonic ideas are still echoed in schools

The end of thinkers