Chris Duffy

Coffee Shops.

It’s always nice to call a friend when you’re feeling down.
Arrange a time to catch up, and have coffee in the town.
We’re never short of venues, to have a chat and meet.
With half a dozen coffee shops all along the street.

They all have fancy names to make them seem unique.
Like “Cuppa chino” “Cafe stop” and \"Queen of Arabique\".
Our hosts are often hippy types with tattoos and goatee beards.
Taking coffee to an artform, overpriced and weird.

They stand behind the counter in clouds of milky steam.
Then demand your hard earned, at a price that seems quite obscene.
You hear them bang and clang their cups, it sounds like world war three.
I feel like saying, “ Bugger this, I\'ll have a cup of tea!”

They ask you for your name, before you get your brew.
I often say “ My name is Nigel, what Is it to you?
I tell them that I’m spoken for and older than your Mother
I don’t want complications, I don’t want any bother.

“Find someone who’s younger, coz I’m a married man.
I just came in for coffee, I hope you \'ll understand?”
I’m flattered and I’m humbled that a qualifIed Barista,
Would choose an old guy like myself to be her loving mister!.

You queue up for a lifetime like waiting for a bus.
“ They’re only making coffee, what’s with all the fuss?”
They present you with their works of art, all pretentiousness and froth
In a glass that burns your fingers, too hot to carry off.

So if you’re in the high street and your at a loose end
You’ve got some time to kill, you\'re meeting with a friend.
Avoid these fancy coffee shops; they\'re quirky and they’re queer..
Find a pub and treat yourself, take him for a beer