cyriac maliakkal



He was a mussels by his words,looks
And behaviour and attitudes.
A man of yellowish teeth with an outlook of 
He is no more:  a man of bad look
And mad behaviour.
He had here with violent attack.
His life was mad,he professed his
Unusual words with angry and arrogance.
He has no subscription towards the
Hues of his society.
He spoke wild words and it sometimes
Enthralled and sometimes it bruised
The hearts.
He vomitted fusty words for harrowing
The pained hearts.
He was mussels in the long years of
His mad life.
He was very angry towards the women.
But there was no hints for its inception.
His look was queasing .
Embarked fusty and tedious odour from
His mouth.
He was not cagey in his very movements.
His hues were brimmed with violence.
But it there was ambiguity.
Nobody could understand his words.
He always stuffed all by his long
Chattering wasteful words.
He was a mussels in his mental and
Physical world.
He didn\'t shower his body and his 
Teeth were unclean.
His garments were pasted with muddy
And slime.
He had no intention to trample hearts
Of those who appeared before him.
He had diffused his penetrating words
For time and again.
He stimulated and diffused his clout for
Eroding all the hearts.
By his madness  he was absolute in 
The world of mussels.