

Still air on a young night,

Forming dew in the moonlight.

Our love; comparison to blossoming sunflowers in the ever so elegant energy surrounding.

Serendipitous serenity held through the intoxicating contact of our skin.

Generation of vibration through ever-accelerating hearts rapidly delivering blood through our veins.

We gaze upon Aries, setting aside our pains.


We own nothing but a moment.

Relatively, we own a lifetime.

So it seems in her presence, time itself halts.

A warranted reaction to her smile.


Beauty in the breath of the beholder, a galaxy containing multitudes, a universe containing many.

Naught yet a brief explanation of the windows into her soul.

Where depth and creativity cataclysmically collide to force forth such a beautiful creation in the likes of the heavens themselves.


Silk skin upon fingertips I graze,

Moments of the man erstwhile refresh their comfortable dwelling in the crevices of thoughts.

Yet, her radiation amplifies the speed in which neurons excite such crevices.

They lay dormant, buried beneath the exquisite suppression that is her nature.


Once a man lost to the world, alone in his-self, and self-abandoned to the wayside.


Through patience,

Through kindness,

Through sadness and exhilaration,  

Through music and moments,

Through heart shatter and rebirth.


These moments are naught without her.



Aries gazes back fiercely.

Beckoning the fires of two star gazing souls ignite.

Thankfulness reiterates between her and I,
