
Black Shoe: A Father\'s legacy

Black shoe, you sit there in the corner,

A symbol of fear, a haunting mourner 

My father\'s shoe, so strong and firm, 

A reminder of his voice so stoic and stern.


I remember when he used to wear you,

And how I\'d tremble at his glare too 

For he was a man of great power,

And in his shadow. I felt like a coward.


But now he\'s gone, and you remain, 

A symbol of all that caused me pain 

And though you\'re just a shoe of black 

But You still fill me with a sense of lack.


I wish that I could leave you be

And cast away this fear in me,

But in my heart, you still hold sway 

And haunt me through each passing day.


Oh, black shoe, why must you be 

A symbol of my father\'s legacy.

But I will face you, strong and brave,

And banish all my fears to the grave.