Daisie-Lyn Fuller

Brave - Daisie-Lyn Fuller

14. My mum said “You’re brave”.
Written on my wrist, in Blue Sharpie
I couldn’t wash it off for days
She made it my own personal reminder that I’m brave.

15. My mum screaming “You’re brave” in the back of my mind.
The muffled groans painfully ringing in my ears
The bruises left on my arms
I’m permanently scarred but I am brave. 

16. My mum holding my arm, crying “You’re brave”.
Washing the blood from my wrist,
Bandaging me up so no one else saw
I’m so broken, yet I am also brave.

17. My mum held me, “You’re so brave”.
Admitting defeat wasn’t easy, the decision was so difficult
But the drugs make me that little bit happier
I’m slowly healing, but by God, I am so fucking brave.