

i cannot unwind the

rage from my queerness,

just as i cannot escape the

chokehold that fear has on

my transness


this body of mine is holy

in that i have built myself

from the ground up


but this body of mine is

also so hated because i refused

to become a statistic


i am not going to do people

that want me dead the favor

of snuffing out my own light

before my time 


in one form or another, those

like me have always existed,

and will continue to do so


through every stubbled cheek caressed,

every knuckle bloodied,

every testosterone injection,

and every time i recognized that man

in the mirror as who i was always

really meant to be 


i will not be erased,

my brothers 

and sisters 

and siblings

will not be erased


i have eaten too many matches for

this fire in me to ever burn out