
State of Affairs (maybe)

This World,

Our Country,

Us, All of Us,

in fallen glory.


People are Not put in Prison for Lying, Sneaking, Cheating, Stealing, Causing Chaos, Destruction & Death.

They make you a Head of State.


People are put in Prison for telling the Truth. (Oh Yeah, without a fair trial and after you are tortured)

Then They make you a Pariah!

(Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, Snowden, Etc)


When a president tortures, puts someone to death, calls out drone strikes that kill innocent civilians and don’t even come close to killing the enemy, murders a u.s. Citizen without a trial, then lies about it all,

He gets a book deal and speaking fees, enough money to buy a house on Martha’s Vineyard.


When a Soldier puts out the Truth about our own Country’s torture program, war crimes, Etc,

He gets tortured by the same evil president then sent to Prison!


Is it me


Do You find ALL this as disturbing, dysfunctional, dystopian, dishonest, disgusting & PLAIN OLD FUCKED UP as I do?