David Wakeling

Standing on a tight rope juggling broken glass.

On Monday Morning I answered the phone.
Some guy on the other end asked if Laura was there.
When I asked what he needed to talk to my wife about
He hung up the phone, abruptly.
I didn’t question Laura because I knew it would start a fight.

Thursday night there was a knock on the door.
Laura answered it and began a long conversation with some guy.
For the first time in 25 years of marriage she started laughing.
The guy was tickling her or something.
I don’t know I pretended to be watching  television.
I was amazed at how easily she could laugh with him.
She never laughed with me ever.

Last night I came home to discover my wife in bed with some guy,
I didn’t disturb them. I was disturbed enough for all of us.
I just walked out into the night and sat in the gutter.
Pete my neighbour saw me there and asked ”Are you alright”?
I laughed and said I don’t think I’ll ever be alright again.
I asked him if he had any broken glass, that I needed to learn how to juggle.