
You & Me

I try not to message you / I try not to think about you / so why do I do, do these things— I try not to— / What irony we live / We want to receive / so we give.  Are we all narcissistic / to a degree / especially in this digital age / of ME, ME, ME / but no, I know— / it’s more than that / for me—because it’s / really YOU, your smile I see / and hear over and over  your laugh, / your teasing me, / how high-pitched your voice / would be when you were really excited, / really passionate about—what you were / talking about, and it used to be ME that brought you that breeze, / that made you feel free— / To be you, the real YOU with ME, no judgment, / no regrets—we said, I said — / but now I feel like I’m / your biggest regret, regrettably. / Was it all just show, just play? / Did you ever really love me, / however briefly? / Did I ever really love you? / Of course I did— / I still do. . .  / but a love unreciprocated will never do, will never last / I will move on from you, / and it might be more fast—than either I or you realize / and then your one regret / might be letting me go—but we won’t know til we know / so thus, I’m going to have to— / Let you go, let you be free / to see if your life will be happier, / more complete, without me complicating things— / It is as if we were never a “WE” / Just YOU & ME— never meant to be.