Fae Amy

Not your Mother

Nevermind, Nevermind

You have proven the point I made

Over and over again

You claim you are so lost

So helpless and weak


Not once did you consider me

Until the bitter end, you insisted

That you are more important than I am

Just to claim

That I was the liar

The abuser


It is always the same

One Deja-Vu after another

It does not stop torturing me


Lost a part of yourself

What comforted you

While you never soothed me

Not even when I cried out my heart


You tried to control me 

Always starting fights

Never agreeing with me

So picky


Lost your home

Begging and sobbing


Kill the lights

Draw the curtain

Abandon ship

Skip town

Burn your plan


Because this time I learned

I will remember it all

For the future


I am better on my own