Accidental Poet


Calculating the measure

Of happiness in life

All depends on willingness

In living with or without strife


There’s a learning curve

In everything we do

Pay attention to mistakes

And to your heart be true


Strive for perfection

But admit to your faults

Pave a way to your future

Smiling with summersaults


Don’t beat yourself up

Cause you fell to your knees

Get back up and try again

Life isn’t always a life of ease


Success is proportionate

To a ratio of work and play

When one overshadows the other

It’ll be a gloomy day


Everything in moderation

Take pride in all you do

Remember to smile

It looks good on you too


In my own youth

I walked a zigzag road

Now I walk a straight line

Carrying a lighter load


Give yourself a percentage

And believe in yourself

You’re the master of your future

Growing your own wealth


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2023