
Walking From The Mist.

Walking by My River

The mist shrouded all

But the white ground

On which I walked.

Out of the mist swam a swan,

Floating in silence,

Like a ghostly spirit,

Not a ripple around him.

He saw me and seemed to smile,

Two beings enjoying the silence

And the beauty of nature

That was hidden around us,

But we knew it was there.


I walked on where suddenly

I walked out from the mist

Into a glorious clear day,

Where the sun sparkled

On the water,

And glistened on the frost

That covered all,

Natures artist at her best,

Enthralling me

With the power of the beauty,

That she can produce with her brush.

I looked back into the mist

Realizing that many days are like this,

Where you move from the dark,

Into the light.