Mottakeenur Rehman

Incredible India

Oh my dearest country,

We doze in the shade of your fig tree,

Where peaceful sleep is your bounty.

There is no malignity,

No, no, say no to malignity.

Only love begets love,

From antipathy to unity.

We Indians are a symbol of tranquility,

Oh my beloved entity,

That\'s all your credibility.

I kowtow to thee, oh my dearest country.

Whenever the whole world was in dark and nil,

No other competence could fill

The power of knowledge spread over the years,

And will be lit up forever, no fears, no fears.

Where the mind is set free,

And the head is held high,

The people of that land say bye-bye to untouchability.

Where art is deep-seated,

And zero was invented,

Oh my dreamland, we salute your stand,

That never falters,

The rays of hope fall on your altar.

Where the science of intensive minds,

Triumphs over ignorance and pseudoscience,

We stand together for that cause of progressive integrity.

Oh, I owe to you for your fertility,

And I\'m glad to see your glory,

\'Atithi Devo Bhava\' is your perceptive superiority.

I am indebted to you for having your soil,

Where I could move on without fail.

Oh my dearest country - the rich heritage and the lyrical voice of India.

We shall always strive to be worthy of it,

That is our treat for your greet.