Kinsey Peterson


My brothers turned 16 today.

They\'re twins



I had my twin with me today as well

the little ghost in my head

\"I should be the one living.\"


I chased them away-

the words-

one drink after another.


One pill became two

and two- three.


It was my brothers 16th birthday today.

I think I said \"Happy Birthday\" once.

I cried four times.


How shit is that?

That I spend more time crying than caring about my brothers?



They turned 16 today

and I\'m sitting in a dark room alone writing about my feelings

The poems are always about me.


\"I should have lived.\"

\"I would tell them \'Happy Birthday.\'\"


I know, ghost.

I know.


Happy Birthday to the best boys I know.

Stay inseperable.

Stay 16.